Hey all !
For those who are interested in what the Swordfighters ministry does in CF, or just wanna know more about the bible/ or how to study it more effectively, you might want to take part in these 3 mini-workshops that they will be organizing over the next few weeks. Also, even as we desire to become more equipped in the aspects of evangelism, let's not forget that as we love in " action" we should also strive to love in " truth". Thus, the importance of knowing His word and understanding it. For those who always whine about having " little bible knowledge" like myself, these workshops might get us started on learning how to understand the contexts in which we read His word, and how we can glean truths from the bible for ourselves ( and also by His leading of course! =P). we have to get started somewhere rite? =P.
There are only 50 vacancies, so if you are really interested in signing up for them, I'd encourage you to do so as soon as possible!
What you can do is to contact Guoyi ( SF chair) at
amen1985@gmail.com or at 92963876 to sign up for them!
1) Introduction to the Bible.
Brief overview: What is the Bible to the Christian faith? Who wrote it? Is it authentic? Is it authoritative? Does it hold any relevance for us today? If the Bible is really written by God and by man, if it hold authority over our lives, what then does it mean for us? How then should we approach the Bible?
Speaker: To be confirmed
Date: Monday, 27th August 2007
Venue: Meet at Engin canteen BY 645pm. We'll then adjourn to a classroom.
Time: The session will start promptly at 7pm, and will end around 10pm.
2) Introduction to IBSBrief overview:The Bible was written over 2000 years ago, over a period of about 1500 years. It sits across different cultures, employs different literary styles, and fulfills specific purposes and messages to specific people. What exactly is IBS? How is it a useful tool in helping us interpret and apply the principles in the Bible?
NOTE: This mini-talk DOES NOT exempt anyone from IBS level
1.Speaker: To be confirmed
Date: Monday, 03rd September 2007
Venue: Meet at Engin canteen BY 645pm.
We'll then adjourn to a classroom.
Time: The session will start promptly at 7pm, and will end around 10pm.
3) Introduction to WorldviewBrief overview:Everyone has a worldview. Simply defined, a worldview is the colour of the lenses of your spectacles. It is a set of notions/ideas/perceptions of reality, and of the world, that affect the way we respond to and evaluate the things that happen around us. But exactly how important is it to have a worldview? More than that, why is it important for us, as Christians, to have a Biblical worldview?
How do we develop such a worldview?
NOTE: Next year, we will be focusing on building a Christian worldview through the Bible studies in the CG guide.
Speaker: Paul Seah
Date: Monday, 10th September 2007
Venue: Meet at Engin canteen BY 645pm.