hey arts peeps!
a challenge from SCIENCE fac for captain's ball!!!! haaa.... shall we take up the challenge? read on ....i've forwarded the mail from si en, the sciene chair..haa
= flo
Guess what?
After the games day of last semester (last academic year) when Science suffered an ignomious defeat at the hands of the merciless Law People (Legal Eagles if i remember correctly) and salved our wounded pride by drawing with Engine Guys + some girls :P (apologies to the some girls, i forgot who)...
After spending one whole holiday and nearly one whole semester (6/7 of it if you want to be precise) brooding over that and calculating the odds of winning the whole of CF and the odds of being able to study while considering such odds... we have decided that we can no longer take the tortional strain of such an unnatural mental position and decided that Science WILL challenge the whole of CF (other than that sorry portion of CF in council session on wed) to Captain's Ball and Frisbee on WED! And in getting our 3 mathematicians who have calculated the odds and prophesized a great trashing for all as well as our Computing people who have devised diabolic plans to tip the balance by writing incomprehensible codes to all but themselves, Science can guarantee that everyone else will be utterly befuddled and incapable of scoring! Non-Science people (that doesn't include med and engine since we're all sciency), we hereby challenge you to a rousing game of Frisbee/Captain's Ball and suggest (please note that it's suggest! just in case the LE want to quibble about the legal nicities of that and dont' you even dream of suing me for defamation, i haven't a penny to my name)that unless you want to chicken out and go to council (i am so going to die for writing this line) head down to the SRC Field at 7.30pm and face the might of Science! We're very nice people, so we won't rub your nose into the trashing but let's all be friends! After Science trashes everyone of course. So come one and come all!
Abandon your books and the cold comforts of the library, hall rooms and whatever nefarious place you lurk in to study and go for games day on Wed! And remember to petition God for good weather! :) Till We (not me sadly, since i have to go for council) clash on the field, take care and God bless!
Yours peaceably,
si en
On behalf of Science